
Series and parallel pump

Pumps use energy (work) to increase fluid pressure.
If a pump creates a suitable head but its flow rate is low, two pumps of this type can be used in parallel, that is, with common inlets and outlets.
If the pump flow rate is suitable but its head is low, two or more pumps should be placed in series, that is, the output flow from one pump directly enters the other pump. This device changes the pump head according to its flow rate. checking the characteristic curve) and also checking the series and parallel connection of the pumps.


• Investigating the performance of pumps in both series and parallel modes and changes in fluid pressure
• Digital power measurement system
• Digital measurement of current and voltage
• Two steel centrifugal pumps
• Inverter to create suitable conditions for the engine to work at any desired power
• Voltmeter and ammeter to display the power of the pumps at any moment
• 4 pressure gauges of Indomart Canada
• Italian or Spanish PVC pipes and fittings
• 4 Italian PVC valves
• Rotameter to measure the output fluid flow
• Has teaching power point and student agenda and calculation book

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