
Coriolis force device

The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the effect of angular velocity on the Coriolis acceleration component.
Coriolis acceleration is an acceleration that occurs due to movement on a rotating coordinate system, and the force that results from this acceleration is called Coriolis force. Like the force that comes from the rotation of the earth around itself.
The rotational movement of the Coriolis test device is provided by a motor built inside the device. The said movement is transferred to the beam through the belt and pulley. As a result of the rotation of the beam, the water basin (made of Plexiglas), the water pump located next to the basin, and the balance weights located on the opposite side of the water basin are forced to rotate.


• Transparent tank to observe the behavior of the water jet caused by the Coriolis force
• Motor with left-hand and right-hand functions
• DC pump with adjusted flow suitable for water jet
• Digital display of engine speed using Atonics display
• 24V DC electric motor with encoder
• Driving force from belt and timing gear system
• DC distance control system with accurate distance control
• Has teaching power point and student agenda and calculation book
• The device has electrostatic paint

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