
Simple and compound pendulum

When the mechanical balanced system is out of balance and released, we will have free vibrations. In this case, no stimulation from outside the system will be applied to it, and the system will oscillate under the influence of the initial stimulation caused by the properties of its elements (mass, spring, etc.) with a certain frequency, which is called the natural frequency of the system. This device It consists of two simple and compound pendulums, the simple pendulum is made of a mass (plastic or iron ball) connected to a thread and the compound pendulum is made of a mass (plastic or iron ball) connected to an iron rod. The length of the pendulum varies in both cases. be


• Two iron and plastic balls for each of the pendulums
• Variable pendulum length
• Simple and clear educational structure
• Has teaching power point and student agenda, calculation notebook and software training video
• The structure of the device has electrostatic paint

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