
Free and forced oscillation device

All systems that have mass and elasticity are prone to free vibrations. Free vibrations are a state of oscillatory motion of the body in which the external excitation force is zero. The mode in which there is an external excitation force is called forced vibrations. When we have a damper in the vibration system, the energy will be consumed by this absorber. Therefore, it is not possible to have a constant range of motion without applying intermittent external stimulation. To obtain the damping value of the system, it is possible to use the measurement of the amplitude reduction in two periods.
In the free and forced vibration machine, the vibrating system consists of a horizontal beam with a rectangular section, one end of which is hinged to the body, and the other end of which is connected to the main frame by a spring. A vibration motor is mounted on the beam. The damper is designed in such a way that it has the ability to move and change the depreciating force. An encoder is used to register the amplitude of vibrations. A software has been designed for the device, which records the parameters of the current amplitude of the oscillation, the maximum amplitude and the period, and has the ability to transfer these data to Excel software for review.


Creating forced oscillation with an encoder motor to control and accurately observe resonance
Oil damper for damping with adjustable distance
Different springs with the ability to adjust the distance and different k
DC24V Encoder motor with the ability to turn left and right to create vibration
Accurate measurement of vibrations by encoder coupled with the axis to eliminate error
Digital engine speed display and accurate speed control
Oscillation amplitude measurement with Korea Atonics encoder
Transferring the test data by the software to the computer to record the vibration range and draw a graph during the test with the ability to transfer the data to Excel
It has teaching powerpoint and student’s agenda, calculation booklet and software training video
The structure of the device has electrostatic paint

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