
Center of pressure test device

The buoyant force on an object immersed in a liquid is obtained from the difference between the vertical component of the pressure force that enters the lower part of the object and the vertical component of the pressure force that enters the upper part of the object. The difference between these two forces is the upward vertical force caused by the weight of the liquid displaced by the object. With the help of the center of pressure test device, one can get to know the basic concepts in the discussion of the stability of floating objects and determining the center of pressure.


• Transparent plexiglass container
• The system of keeping the piece in balance
• A piece of polyethylene measured to the volume of a quarter of a circle
• Loaded and suitable shoe
• 200 and 500 gram weights for checking static forces
• Determining the center of pressure
• Ability to adjust by water pressure
• Has teaching power point and student agenda and calculation book
• The device has electrostatic paint

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