
Penetration testing device

This device is used to determine the relative hardness of bitumen used in industry and road construction. According to the definition, bitumen penetration is the distance in tenths of millimeters that a standard needle penetrates in the bitumen in a known period of time. The degree of penetration in bitumens can determine the bitumen’s reaction to shock and the bitumen’s resistance to the load applied to it. A lower degree of penetration is a sign of harder bitumen and a higher degree of penetration is a sign of softer bitumen.


• To test the amount of penetration in bitumen or gypsum
• Very convenient and smooth mechanism for raising and lowering the needle holder
• Suitable cup for sample testing
• Bitumen penetration test needle weighing 50 grams
• Geris penetration test needle with a weight of 100 grams
• Fully automatic penetration and needle stop timing system
• Digital measurement of the amount of penetration of the needle in the material using the Korea Atonics encoder
• Digital measurement of time and commanding the magnet to lock or release the needle
• Along with teaching power point and student’s agenda and calculation book
• The structure of the device has electrostatic paint

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