
Bitumen softening point measuring device

The softening point can be used to categorize bitumens and as a factor to confirm the uniformity of shipments or sources of bitumen supplied, which can indicate the tendency of materials to flow at high temperatures encountered during service. to show


• Measuring the amount of resistance of pure bitumen and materials made with that bitumen to temperature changes
• Coil to even out the temperature in the paraffin chamber
• Equipped with an electric heater with a power of 1000W
PT100 Jomo German sensor for digital temperature measurement
• Cut off the digital timer
• Automatic movement of the container to place the sample in the container and leave it
• Two bullets
• Touch LCD screen to show the temperature and also control the movement of the chamber and also equipped with a timer
• Atonix optical sensors to perform real-time calculations
• Paraffin container handling system using an electric jack
• Has teaching power point and student agenda and calculation book
• The device has electrostatic paint

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