
Continuous beam device

The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the relationship between the load, length, width, thickness and deflection of a beam with different supports that is subjected to concentrated force.
Beams have different uses. For example, we can mention their use in airplane wings, building construction, etc. Although the rise of the beam is small compared to its length, this small rise is a problem in some cases and should be considered in the design.
In this test, we generally select a sample beam with a certain length and a rectangular cross-section, load it by placing a weight on the sole, and read it using a device called a spring measuring watch.


• Standard jaws for holding samples
• Force measurement system using load cell
• Beam arch measurement system using 3 mechanical gauges with an accuracy of 0.01mm
• 3 loading shoes
• The ability to perform tests in different support modes (one-headed support, two-headed support, and hinged)
• Hardware and software with the ability to calibrate sensors and transfer data to Excel software
• Has a teaching powerpoint and student agenda, calculation booklet and software training video
• The structure of the device has electrostatic paint

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